Culavamsa - Part I

From நூலகம்
Culavamsa - Part I
Noolaham No. 4536
Author Geiger, Wilhelm
Category இலங்கை வரலாறு
Language ஆங்கிலம்
Publisher Asian Educational Services
Edition 1998
Pages 362

To Read


  • Foreword - Wilh Geiger
  • Introduction
  • As to the Credibility of the Culavamaa: the history of Parakkamabahu's Youth
  • Kingship and the Law Sucession in Mediaeval Ceylon
  • Offices, Dignities and Titles in Mediavel Ceylon
  • Contents of Chapters
  • The Six Kings
  • The Ten Kings
  • The History of the Two Kings
  • The Nine Kings
  • The Two Kings
  • The Six Kings
  • The Four Kings
  • The Three Kings
  • The Six Kings
  • The Five Kings
  • The One Kings
  • The History of the Two Kings
  • The Two Kings
  • The Five Kings
  • The Three Kings
  • The Pillage of Sri Lanka
  • The Six Kings
  • The Subjugations of the Enemies of Rohana
  • The Subjugation of the Enemies of Rohana
  • The Advance to Anuradhapura
  • The Bestowal of Favours
  • Care for the Laity and for the Order
  • History of the Lives of the Four Kings
  • The Birth of the Prince
  • The Arrival in the City of Sankhatthali
  • The Departure for the Other Country
  • The Killing of the Senapati
  • The Spying out of the Conditions in the Other Country
  • The Festival of the MAhadipada
  • The Improvement of his Own Kingdom
  • The Collection of Military Forces and Money
  • The Surrender of the Royal Dignity
  • Description of the Festival of the Consecration
  • Addition and Correction
  • Genealogical Tables
  • Supplementary Notes
  • List of Abbreviations