Economic Review 1980.04 (6.1)

From நூலகம்
Economic Review 1980.04 (6.1)
Noolaham No. 43078
Issue 1980.04
Cycle மாத இதழ்
Editor -
Language ஆங்கிலம்
Pages 36

To Read


  • Housing in Colombo
  • Colombo Urban Development
  • The New Urban Sociology – Kingsley Garban
  • Some Major Projects in Colombo
  • Employment and Income Generation in Colombo – Rex A.Casinader
  • Alternative Building Forms for Low Cost Housing in Colombo – David Robson
  • Financing City Development – G.K.K.S. de Silva
  • Slum Upgrading – Sunil Bastian
  • Interdependence of Transport and Urban Weal – J. Diandas
  • An Essay by Citizen of Colombo – Barbara Sansoni
  • Trade – USA Become Sri Lanka’s Major Market
  • Irrigation – The need for a water users organization
  • Features – The Nexus between Socio-Economic Factors and the New Brahmin: A Social Survey of University Students – H.I. Hemachandra
  • The Textile Industry in Sri Lanka – W.G.S. Waidyanatha