Economic Review 1980.05 (6.2)

From நூலகம்
Economic Review 1980.05 (6.2)
Noolaham No. 43438
Issue 1980.05
Cycle மாத இதழ்
Editor -
Language ஆங்கிலம்
Pages 36

To Read


  • Energy
  • Alternative Energy Sources
  • Diary of Events - March 1980
  • Energy
  • Susantha Goonatilake - Social factors and production modes in energy use
  • K.K.Y. Perera - Integrated energy planning and policy alternatives for SriLanka
  • P.N. Fernando - Major hydro power development
  • E.Carlo Fernando - Thermal power from imported coal in the 1990’s
  • Rohan M.N. Wirasinghe - Rural electrification
  • S. Sivasunderam - World oil outlook
  • D.B. Wijetunge and Lalith Athulathmudali - Overview of future policy from the viewpoints of two ministers
  • Foreign News Review - Poor nations make another attempt
  • Trade - Impact of liberalisation shows in accelerating level of imports
  • The Economy - Interest rate changes
  • Interview- Asia through Bank of America’s eyes - Plans of SriLanka
  • C.R. Kuruppu - Role of Regional Fertilizer Warehouse Complexes
  • Ernst Michanek - The Strategy Smokescreen