Hot Spring 1998.03 (3.2)

From நூலகம்
Hot Spring 1998.03 (3.2)
Noolaham No. 79596
Issue 1998.03
Cycle மாத இதழ்
Editor Sivanayagam, S.
Language ஆங்கிலம்
Pages 44

To Read


  • The changing of the guard – 1977
  • Sri Lanka – The country will never be put together again – says Lee Kuan Yew
  • Emotion, Reason and the Tamil struggle – Anton N.J Selvadurai
  • Caring the internally displaced tamil
  • U.S. paper question U.S. stand on Terrorism
  • Naga rebel leader creates history
  • The need to address viable self-determination claims
  • The meaning of peace in Sri Lanka – Adrian Wijemanne
  • Taking sides – Between the oppressor & the Oppressed
  • Let not the world connive with genocide of Tamils – Fr. S.J. Emmanuel at Trafalgar Square
  • Mandela gives Clinton a lesson in political morality
  • How do new nation states get born? – Eritrea and Chechnya: the forerunners of a future Tamil Ealam
  • Imran Khan lauds the chechnyans
  • Flashback 1985: We are prepared to pay for freedom with our lives
  • Tamils and the right of self determination
  • Remembering Gamini Navaratne
  • Requiem for a divided Island – K. Kanavathipillai
  • Conference in Denmark