Lanka Guardian 1983.12.01 (6.15)

From நூலகம்
Lanka Guardian 1983.12.01 (6.15)
Noolaham No. 84611
Issue 1983.12.01
Cycle மாதம் இருமுறை
Editor Mervyn de Silva
Language ஆங்கிலம்
Pages 28

To Read


  • Trends, Letters
  • News Background
    • J.P., Indira – a new diplomatic ‘space’ – Mervyn de silva
    • Dinesh and new opposition formations
    • Agreed approach yet to emerge in talks with T.U.L.F. – g. K. Reddy
    • Delhi conference : De-Stabilising Indira
    • Parthasarathy tries to break deadlock – Gamini Weerakoon
    • Ethnic debate : C.R.D. replies to body almeida
  • Foreign News
    • Grenada and the press : How news control distorted the facts
    • Grenada : News curbs hurting U.S. stand on controls – Jonathan Friendly
    • Was the Grenada invasion a trial run for Nicaragua? – Tom Wicker
    • Grenada : Lights! Camera! Respect! – Russell Baker
    • Fidel speaks : ‘No forces can ever prevail over internationalism’
    • Nationalist threats to Ethiopia’s stability – Kirsty Wright
    • Technology options – (2) : What third world countries need : A third system – Bella Mody
    • IMF, IBRD uneasy and pessimistic
    • Sports in school