The Ceylon National Review 1909.06 (8)

From நூலகம்
The Ceylon National Review 1909.06 (8)
Noolaham No. 74962
Issue 1909.06
Cycle மாத இதழ்
Editor Coomaraswamy, K Ananda
Language ஆங்கிலம்
Publisher -
Pages 104

To Read


  • The Nation and the Mother Tongue - F. L. Woodward
  • Indian Thought and Western Science in the Nineteenth Century - Mrs. Boole
  • Medical Science Among the Sinhalese
    • Small Pox and its Treatment - Donald Obeyesekera
    • The Use and Abuse of Smoking - L. W.A De Soysa
  • Buddhism and Hinduism - J. Wettha Sinha
  • A Womans Work in the West - Saint Nihal Singh
  • Reform of the Legislative Council
    • Proceedings of the Chilaw Association
    • Memorial to the Secretary of State for the Colonies
    • Ceylon Dinner in London
    • Memorial from the Low-Country Products Association of Ceylon
    • Memorial of the Chilaw Association
    • Memorial from the Ceylon National Association
    • Memorial from the Jaffna Association
  • Notes
    • The one Language for India
    • The Failure of Vaccination
    • Are We Fit for Self - Government?
    • Acceptance of Presents by Public Officers
    • Promotion of Officers
    • Knowledge of the Vernaculars Among Government Officials **Progress
    • For the Eye of the D. P. I
    • Capital Punishment
    • Commercialism
    • Reform of the Legislative Council
    • Lord Crewe cn Reform
  • Reviews
    • Buddhist Essays
  • The Social Reform Society
  • Supplement