The People In-Between: Inter-ethnic relations among internally displaced people Trincomalee District, Sri Lanka

From நூலகம்
The People In-Between: Inter-ethnic relations among internally displaced people Trincomalee District, Sri Lanka
Noolaham No. 6060
Author Skinner, Jessica
Category -
Language ஆங்கிலம்
Publisher International Centre for Ethnic Studies
Edition 2005
Pages 89

To Read


  • Preface
  • Chapter One - Background
    • Part One
      • Introduction
      • Trincomalee
      • Why Study the Displaced?
      • Research Methods
    • Part Two
      • Ethnicisation'and 'Militansation' of SriLanka
      • The Global Rise ofEthnic Nationalism
      • The Polarisation of Ethnic Identities in SriLanka
      • Background to the Conflict
  • Chapter Two - The Place of People in the Conflict
    • Part One
      • The Dirty War
      • Dirty War Tactics
      • Divide and Rule
      • (Dis) Placement
    • Part Two
      • Ethnic Enclaves
      • Ethnic Enclave Formation
      • Changing Perceptions : Ethnic Enclave Mentality
      • Perceptions and Attitudes Towards the Ethnic 'Other'
      • Shifting Constructions of Ethnicity
  • Chapter Three - The Path to Peace
    • Part One
      • Constructing Peace
      • The Politics of Resettlement
      • Looking to the Future
      • 'Ethnicised' Peace
    • Part Two
      • The Place of People in the Peace Process
      • A Desperate Hope
      • Inter - Ethnic Reconstruction
      • Peace Initives
  • Chapter Four - Conclusion
  • Report for the Human Rights Commission and ICES
  • Summary of findigs
  • Recommendations
    • Relationship Buliding
    • The role of the HRC
    • Further Study
  • End notes
  • Bibilography
  • Appendix 1
    • Rehabilitation Statistics
  • Appendix 2
    • Net Gain and Loss of IDPs by District and Ethnic Group
  • Appendix 3
    • IDP Resistance to Ressetitlement